Partner Assault Response Program

Providing specialized services for intimate partner violence offenders.

Thunder Bay Counselling provides a Partner Assault Response (PAR) program for court mandated intimate partner violence offenders from the criminal courts in Thunder Bay. PAR is generally provided in a 12-session group format, and may be offered in-person, virtually or both. It is the expectation that individuals ordered to participate in the PAR Program have a financial accountability to contribute to the costs of the service. The fee amount to be charged will be assessed by the PAR Coordinator at first contact.

For more information or to begin a referral process, please contact our PAR Coordinator:

The PAR Program will:

  • Demonstrate the importance of accountability
  • Assist offenders in examining their beliefs and attitudes about domestic violence
  • Teach non-abusive ways of communicating and resolving conflict
  • Improve understanding of triggers and warning signs
  • Explore healthy relationships and the effects of abuse
PAR is only available to court-mandated individuals:

  • Through a direct referral from their Probation and Parole Officer or
  • As required by the Crown Attorney through the Early Intervention stream or
  • As a condition of a Section 810 Peace Bond Order or
  • Through Coordinated Prosecution where the Crown requires PAR as a condition of probation or a conditional sentence order.
For Crown Attorneys & Defense Attorneys
Where an individual is being required by a Crown Attorney to participate, the individual may contact us directly and will need to provide the required documents from the Crown:

  • Synopsis of the offence;
  • Domestic Violence Supplementary Report form (LE-239) where available;
  • Victim Impact Statement where available;
  • Criminal record of the accused (if any).

Where participation in PAR is required before sentence, the Crown’s office must provide the documents. Where participation in PAR is required as part of sentence, the referral will be made through Probation and Parole.

The survivor and/or current partner of an offender in PAR is offered safety planning, support, community resource referrals, and information about the offender’s progress in the PAR Program.

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For Probation & Parole
Your Probation and Parole Officer has referred you to the program. What’s next?

  1. Thunder Bay Counselling will contact you to schedule an intake appointment with our PAR Coordinator.
  2. During the intake appointment, you will receive more information about the program, your start date, the fee and our reporting processes. You will also sign an agreement about the expectations of the program and payment of the fee.
  3. You will be given a start date for the program and all the details needed.
  4. You will pay the fee prior to your start date by debit, credit or e-transfer.
  5. Your participation in the program begins.

Groups may be offered in-person, virtually or both.

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