Support for Youth/Families – Involved with Child Protection


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Child Protection Alternative Dispute Resolution helps families develop plans for children and youth when Child Protection Services is concerned about their well-being. This is a voluntary service that can be faster and less complicated than going though court.

To be eligible for ADR, you must be involved with Child Protection Services within Northwestern Ontario.

There are two types of ADR:

Family Group Decision Making (FGDM)
This program can bring your family together with service providers, including Child Protection Services, to develop a care plan that makes sure everyone is safe and well.

Child Protection Mediation (CPMed)
A mediator will work with your family and the Child Protection Worker to walk through issues together and develop a plan for the child(ren) involved that addresses the concerns raised by Child Protection Services.

Youth-in-Transition/Housing Support Worker Program

This program helps youth between the ages of 16-24 transition into a new life with the right skills, confidence, and community connections. Youth-in-Transition Workers help youth:

  • Access health and mental health services
  • Secure stable housing
  • Obtain education and training information
  • Connect to employment services
  • Identify and access life skills support
  • Locate legal services
  • Access Human Trafficking supports and resources

This program is for youth in Thunder Bay who are leaving the child protection system.

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